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3 results found
Group auto level functionality
Sometimes I have a voicetrack for a promo, short production, that is one cut, and the auto level works great.
But, in long interviews, podcasts, shows, I am often cutting sections, removing mouth noise, replace a word, etc. Which can leave me with several edits within a few seconds of a voice track. The auto level tries to change each segment. The result is unusable of course because the levels are un-naturally all over the place for several seconds.
Could it be possible to highlight several clips in a track, and have it auto level as a whole?
2 votesThis is already possible:
Simply select all the clips and use the auto-level function in the Tools menu.
Check this tutorial'and'x'='x#videos-7 at around the 5 min mark for a demo.
Publish to a 'shared' watch folder
Jeg kigger på hvordan vi i DR kunne bruge Hindeburg til flere brugere som fesk Nyhederne. Hertil kunne det være en brugervelig funktion at have en mulighed med 'Publish' at publicere sit færdige nyhedsindslag til en folder som vi så vil lave som watch folder. Denne watch folder vil så bruge til at overføre det til vores rundown planlægnings system.
I dag har Hindenburg jo en Publish til feks ftp server men ikke direkte til en 'inhouse' server/storage.
Kan godt lide udtrykket publish til denne funktion, for det giver bedre mening end export , da vi vil bruge det til…1 voteHej Lars,
Det kan man allerede (det er sådan Harddisken levere ;) men vi er helt enige det ikke er indlysende fra interfacet. Hvis du skriver en server sti i samme “Publish” konto istedet for ftp adresse opnår du det ønskede effekt. Vi kan endda lave det sådan så alle installationer på DR Nyheder kommer Publish target “Watch folder” automatisk konfigureret ved installation. -
Loop function
I'm an editor, sound designer and mixing engineer, who uses Hindenburg Pro on a daily basis. It's my bread and butter and I work for different media outlets such as NPR and diverse German broadcasting companies.
So far I've been able to do some of the mixing, editing and cleaning up of audio on HBP and it would save me tons of time and clicks if there was a loop function, so that I didn't have to jump back every time I need to listen to the same piece of audio over and over, as it's pretty much standard on…
1 vote
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