More powerful EQ & compressor tools
Hi users & Hindenburg team
I really like the simple design and functionallity of Hindenburg Journalist Pro. But simplicity sometimes comes at a price.
Right now, the EQ tool only offers manipulating the lower, middle and higher ranges of the spectrum. That's just way too simple. The attached image will easily show you why.
The compressor only offers more or less compression. Way too simple again.
Coming from Adobe Audition, I'm used to more powerful tools I don't want to miss.
Please add some advanced EQ & compression options to the existing ones. Let us manipulate EQ at specific frequencies, and not just (for example) "the middle frequencies". And at least some dynamic compression would be nice.

Brian Mackey commented
This is in no way a paid endorsement, but you can get much more fine-grained control with something like ToneBoosters Track Essentials. You can download and use them for free, but you cannot save parameters with the file -- that is, it resets each time you close and launch the file -- unless you pay 20 Euro for the full version.
Joey commented
How about at least upgrading the compressor? There is one single knob. We don't even know what it does. Does it manipulate the threshold? Or the ratio? Both?
Yes, it's a ballance.
That said - there is also a High/low pass filter in the EQ. And if you hold Shift you can adjust the Q - point.Other options are:
1. Use the Voice Profiler
2. Use any VST or AU plugin you like