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"Scratchy" or poor audio quality when played in Hindy on Windows
32-bit support in Hindenburg PRO 2
Blank regions
Blank regions and no audio - Mac
Blue Yeti Microphone and Hindenburg Journalist.
Can I get a refund for a Hindenburg product online purchase?
Can i install on more than one computer?
Can i record a phone interview on my iPhone?
Can I share my Hindenburg licence?
Can I share sessions on Dropbox?
Can not import from iOS device to my desktop
Can not record - microphone not "Allowed"
Can't complete purchase, just get popup with terms.
Cancel Subscription
Discounts for full-time students and educators
Does Hindenburg have a noise reduction tool?
Error 0x80070005 when trying to record
Export/Import to ProTools and WaveLab
Exporting of the manuscript to various formats.
Field Recorder cannot record after upgrading to iOS7!
Help! How do I make my voice track sound good?
Help! I have lost my registration / licence key
Hindenburg Compatibility with Windows 8?
Hindenburg does not recognise my registration key or email.
Hindenburg error Audio: no output device. Windows Vista
Hindenburg for Linux?
Hindenburg receipt
How can I pay for Hindenburg? - Payment methods
How do I get a trial version?
How do i log in or register the program?
How do I record a phone call or a remote interview in Hindenburg?
How do I uninstall Hindenburg on Windows?
How do I use Hindenburg??
How to gain more than +15dB
How will Hindenburg Journalist handle mono files when applying "Podcast Standard" Loudness normalistion
I am trying to export a session from my iPhone field recorder app to my desktop over wifi. I get a message on my desktop saying "connection broken”.
I bought Hindenburg before the International Podcast day sale, can I get a refund for the difference?
I can't figure out how to best delete the gray space between regions? Is there a shortcut?
I have a project on Hindenburg PRO and my trial is ending!
I need to uninstall and re-install onto another computer. How can I do this?
I never got a licence key email
Import clipboard into another session.
Is it possible to import audio into Hindenburg Field Recorder for editing?
Is it possible to import markers from other field recorders
Is it possible to record from two mics on one stereo track and then split the stereo recording into 2 separate tracks. How do I do that?
Is it possible to use Soundcloud as a Podcast host?
Is there an Android version of Field Recorder?
Is there an iPad-spcific version of Hindenburg Field Recorder?
Is there any way to add more Groups to the Clipboard?
Libsyn Publish audio / encoding settings
Migrating all settings to a new computer
Missed World Radio Day discount
Missing audio - recording on external disk
Missing audio files or no sound
My licence is registered to an old email account that I cannot access
Narrator NLS export problem - "Could not locate a suitable audio encoder"
Need a quote for Company, Organisation or Educational Institution?
Podcast levels - my podcast plays at a lower volume than others
Price changes related to transition to Fastspring
Problems installing on Mac OSX - Validation
RAD Markers
Record internal sound on Mac - Zoom, Skype, etc.
Record internal sound on Windows - Skype, Zoom, etc.
Record monitor on / off
Recordings from Zoom H-series recorder sound wrong
Regeln für die Rückgabe von Hindenburg bei Onlinekäufen
Registration key or Account
Sale or discounts?
Send audio from Field Reorder to iTunes
Skype is not connected
Soundflower - low output
The purchase of Transcription packages.
The volume is too low when exporting to CD
Transcription FAQs
Username & Password - I didn't receive a Licence Key?
Using two microphones. It sounds like we are in a bathroom.
VST Audio plugins - Where are they stored?
VSTs and AU, an overview of all types of external plug-ins.
What are the benefits of using loudness instead of peak in the auto levels?
What features are in Hindenburg PRO 2?
What happens after I pay for Hindenburg PRO?
What happens after I request a trial of Hindenburg Pro or Narrator?
What is the easiest way to upload a file from my iPhone (recorded with Hindenburg field recorder) to iTunes?
What operating systems (OS) platforms do Hindenburg products work on?
When I export in mono I get silence
Which computer audio interfaces for xlr microphones work the best with Hindenburg Pro?
Why do I get a confirmation email after signing up for the Newsletter?
Why do the Waveforms look the way they do in Hindenburg?
Why is my valid licence key being rejected?
Why is Noise Reduction not in Hindenburg Lite?
WideOrbit & Hindenburg PRO for Business (Broadcaster) Setup
WideOrbit integration
Windows S-Mode - Unable to install Hindenburg
Zoom H4 & Zoom H4n