Controller support / control mapping
Support for midi, osc, and other hardware communication protocols for physical controller mapping.

We do already have that in Hindenburg ABC and it has it’s uses rearding recording lamps, silent buttons and transport … but we have not implemented it in Hindenburg Journalist, as things like automating volume curves would not be possible. This might result in more confusion and frustration – that it would solve. But we will keep it in the back of our minds.
Bill Barol commented
Bumping this, and checking: is this feature still under consideration in 2024? Thanks.
ediamond commented
I think support for devices like the Loupedeck would go a long way, even for simple things like adding insertion points, fades, ducking, and shuttle transport. Please consider implementing.
Bump! This needs to be added!
jpottsx1 commented
If I can't control the keyboard shortcuts, I would like to think that I could use a USB MIDI Controller Mixer. For example, Muting or Soloing a track takes far too much mouse scrolling and way too many un published keyboard strokes especially if you are working with 8 tracks as part of your story's sound design. For example, without having to scroll the screen to track 8, how do I enable "Solo"? With the MIDI interface, I could at least use the "M", "S" or "R" keys to directly affect a change on track 8 with just the press of a button.
taylor commented
PLEASE! would be nice to use my presonus faderport or project mix I/o with Hindenburg - greatly improves workflow!
Rusty commented
Yes! I'd like to use my Zoom R16 as a control surface :-)