Move an audio clip and all the other clips that follow with single click
I cut clips a lot in Hindenburg. Then I add other clips in other tracks to make a nice radio piece. But ever so often when listening to the piece, I realize that two clips are too close together, and then it gets more complicated then it needs to be, in my opinion. Because when I move a clip, I either have to move every single clip that comes after it or I've got to zoom out, select all the clips that follow, zoom in again, and move them. When I listen to the bit I changed, all the clips get unselected, so if I need to move them once more, I've got to go through the same procedure again. Quite time consuming. Why isn't there a button that makes, that if I move a certain clip Hindenburg moves all the clips that follow? That would make my work so much faster.

The feature is called Select to End: