View > Cue Points
The menu item View > Markers does not show Cue Points which is a pity. I propose inserting a new menu item View > Cue Points which shows a list of all cue points.

Cue Points are tricky as you can have multiple versions of the same cue point at different places in the timeline.
As Curpoint are related to the audio – then it will also move, copy, delte, tase …as the audio does. So having a Cue Markers list is a bit of a moving target.
It’s possible to set and export other markers, if that is what is needed. You could for instance use the Chapter Markers and then export them as text.
Ingeborg AV commented
I agree with The A.
My workflow, I edit a podcast with four people talking at a table:
1) Listen, use cue points to mark a new topic introduced
2) Edit: cut out some of the conversation
3) Edit: insert Favorites-audio (pling-sound) before each new topicIf I use markers in 1), then they will all be in the wrong place in 3)
andrás commented
Hi all, since I couldn't wait for the official implementation, I created a little helper tool myself – you can find it at (or if this link gets removed, search for hicues on github). It runs in the command line, so it is a separate window, but the output gets automatically updated when you save the file. I hope others will find it as useful as I do – it's an open source project, so contributions are welcome.
Chris Johnson commented
Agree with @Szabolcs Toth that Markers are virtually useless without being sticky. And surprised Cue Points aren't easier to work with in Hindenburg. I've been using Audacity for a year and a half and use this functionality all of the time. @The A nails it for my work flow as well (although I don't have an Assistant ;)
The A commented
@Hindy thank you for your response. This is important to our workflow because Cue Points are the only marker type that survive and move along the track with cuts and pastes. I want to be able to note a part of audio, but have the ability to insert and cut without losing where the audio is.
Not sure I follow the multiple version of the same cue point.
Markers are aligned to the time in a track. Cue Points are aligned to the segment of audio.
Here is more into my ideal workflow:
- Listen to the interview, place Cue Point notes
- Add Intro, Outro, etc into episode
- Export list of Cue Points with time markers
- Assistant will use Cue Point time markers to find/make audiograms for social media
- Same markers will be transcribed (or copy/pasted from transcription) into show notes
- And moreSo many things can be done with just that exported list of Cue Points. If they worked like markers, it would be awesome. I included a screenshot of how I use Cue Points as well.
Does that help?
James commented
Any updates on this? This is super important to my workflow.
Garret Kruger commented
Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top!
A commented
What would be great as well, is if we can export this list! I would like to give this to an assistant or whoever to add the time markers and name of the cue point to a transcription.
John Banther commented
I would love this, and it might be my wished for feature. Please!
The A commented
Hello, any updates on this? Would love to give this list to a media manager to pull quotes.
Szabolcs Toth commented
I second this. When editing interviews, traditional markers are almost useless as they move around when re-editing a segment. I desperately need a navigable cue-point list!
John Banther commented
I would also like cue points to be navigable like markers! If I have a lot of variations of a 30 second promos, markers are great every 40 seconds. But when I have a long 2 hour project, and suddenly have to get rid of a segment, the marker points get off. Please, and thank you!
Mark Shampine commented
Also, am I missing it, or is there no way to navigate to a Cue Point? I haven't found the short cut that allows me to jump from Cue Point to Cue Point like with Markers
Bradford commented
Yes indeed! Working on an interview now, would be awesome to have a list...and dare I say, even print it? :)