add feature "share to webdav" for field-recorder
As a journalist i'm very picky about who I do share my data with (even indirectly). So I really don't want to upload my recordings to soundcloud (and neither i'd do with dropbox, google-drive, etc).
if you would add an option under "share" to upload recordings to a free-to-pick hoster, using the webdav-protocol it would help much. like i have set-up my own little cloud (using nextcloud/owncloud) to exactly control access of my data. and - as a nice side-effect - they stay with me!
so the feature-request is: pls add an option to upload files to nextcloud (aka webdav)
ps: as i'm not working much with my hindenburg journalist pro (windows) software i just don't know if it's possible to save to a webdav-server as well... if not it would be a very nice option to have as well :-)