Group auto level functionality
Sometimes I have a voicetrack for a promo, short production, that is one cut, and the auto level works great.
But, in long interviews, podcasts, shows, I am often cutting sections, removing mouth noise, replace a word, etc. Which can leave me with several edits within a few seconds of a voice track. The auto level tries to change each segment. The result is unusable of course because the levels are un-naturally all over the place for several seconds.
Could it be possible to highlight several clips in a track, and have it auto level as a whole?
I hope my question makes sense. Thanks! John

This is already possible:
Simply select all the clips and use the auto-level function in the Tools menu.
Check this tutorial'and'x'='x#videos-7 at around the 5 min mark for a demo.
ole.pflueger commented
I think the Idea here was rather the same Auto-level is applied to all items. If I select a group of clips an press cmd+L each clip is levelled individually, which is often not what you want, becaus it messes up your mix.
Another way of fixing this issue might be to add a feature to rejoin/join several clips into one, which is one of the features I'm really missing in Hindenburg.
John Banther commented
Hi, thanks for the reply, but I'm not asking about that. I know I'm not explaining it very well, but:
If I have a voice track with several edits over 10 seconds, I don't want each edit to auto-level, which can create an unnatural sound (jumping and down in volume). I want to be able to select those tracks and have it auto-level AS IF it was just one unedited track. Make sense?