Allow audio level to be increased more than +15 dB
As a public affairs journalist, sometimes I have to rely on others for audio — court proceedings, for example — and sometimes it comes in way too low, even after increasing it the maximum 15 dB. In these cases, I could maximize the level, export, reimport, and increase the level again. But typically I just open the file in Adobe Audition and do the increase there.
I'm sure there's a reason for the 15 dB cap, but it would be nice to be able to exceed it when necessary.
Thanks for considering it!

Fredagsskolen commented
So true. The per clip-gain function should go way further up. There is one workaround of adding an AuGraphicEQ effect to the track, selecting all the bands of that effect together (drag a box across them all), and raising ther gain together. But we should have at least a simple audio Tool effect that can do that from just turning one knob.
André H. commented
Second this! Would be really helpful!
John Banther commented