Compression Based on Peaks, or "Upward" Compression — as a solution to distortion issue
My main and most common issue with Hindenburg, in over years of using it, is that too often both the compression effect (and the built-in limiter in the normalization feature), results in peaks that sound crunched and distorted.
As I understand it, compression works based on an average level, making loud parts quieter and quieter parts untouched. But this often leaves the peaks sounding distorted, in my experience.
When compressing "based on peaks," I believe it leaves the loudest parts untouched and brings up the quieter parts. See more here:
My hope is that, like Audacity, there could be a "Compression Based on Peaks" option in the Compressor effect. I imagine this would help with average loudness, too, so that sound doesn't hit the limiter when normalizing.
In any case, I wish that more could be done to deal with the distortion issue.