Add nfs export to enable mounting as a network share
None of the exporting options work for me apart from wired transfer into iTunes. I am currently using Audiofile Engineering Wave Editor on OSX.
I can't find a useful way to transfer files wireless to my MacBook. Email can hardly handle such huge files. FTP is no longer practical since Maverick. Soundcloud is no local transfer.
Of course, any WiFi transfer would be helpful. I haven't figured out how to use Bonjour yet.

As long as you are on the same WIFI with your phone and computer, then you will have a way of transmitting the files.
If you still having trouble with it, then send a mail to support - or catch us on Skype.
Skypename: Hindenburgsystems -
Jens O. commented
Yes, I did. Opening in dropbox takes a long time (not due to limitations in my internet connection but due to load of dropbox servers).
The only usable transfer for me was wired to iTunes.
I am missing a fast WiFi transfer to OSX.
Hi Jens,
Have you tried "Open in.." to Dropbox or similar on your iPhone then opening it on your Mac from your Dropbox folder? See our Step-by-step guide here: