Add option to colorize portions of the tape
First, thanks for making this product. It's saved me so much time since I started using it.
I think if we could change portions of the tape for labeling purposes it would be useful in a number of ways. I mostly use your software to edit interviews for broadcast - and so a big part of the job is whittling down 15 minutes of tape to 10 minutes of interview. If I could colorize portions of the tape, then on the first pass through I could indicate which parts I definitely want to keep in, and which parts are "maybes." Right now I rely on the label feature, but if you zoom out this is difficult to scan, and i always find myself hunting through the tape for the parts I had in mind. I would also be able to use this to distinguish between the host portions of the interview and the guest portions. Those are the big ones for me, but I'm sure people producing more sophisticated shows could think of other ways to use it as well.
This is in our backlog for features in Hindenburg 2.0.
We are still working on it and how to be able to bring more news regarding the development.
Thanks for the suggestion Keith. We are in fact working towards some solution for using colour-coding in the workspace to help sort your material.
However, I thought you might want to look at our guide articles and tutorials regarding use of the clipboards. Our current workflow design is that you use the clipboards to sort your material from your original material, clear the workspace and then import the clips from the clipboards. Take a look by searching for "clipboard" in our guides:
Best, Chris
Hindy support team