Export all (or all selected) clips from the whole clipboard or a clipboard group
I'd love to mark several clips in the clipboard and have them batch-exported automatically as separated single audio takes. This would on the one hand allow for reducing the project size dramatically if the original audio source is very large, i.e. an interview or material from a press conference etc.
On the other hand this feature would help to forward single takes to the editorial office or to other applications.

This is in our backlog for features in Hindenburg 2.0.
We are still working on it and how to be able to bring more news regarding the development.
Anonymous commented
Batch export all (or all selected) clips from a clipboard group
I strongly support this idea for a feature, too. Still not implementedm right?
Anonymous commented
I just want to add support for batch export of clips. Thank you!
Thanks for the input and comments.
We are looking at many of the feature ideas that you all have - and many will be found in the upcoming version (Hindenburg 2,0) that we are working on.
That said, then I might cast some light on some of the questions.
You can get information about the original file and offset by right-clicking on the region and selecting properties.
It is possible to export a single clip from the clipboard (right-click / export) ...but only one clip at a time.
We have many new ideas for the clipboard, exporting to other systems and syncing audio and video.
Thanks again for your input. -
Anonymous commented
I'm a newcomer to Hindenburg and love many of the radio specific features, but find the lack of reference to original files (and the timecode therein) makes for a very convoluted workflow. Ever other DAW i have worked with has this referencing back to original clip and clip timecode, and it's lack means that, for example, working with a coproducer or engineer on a paper cut is very difficult to do as the clips have no original timecode or file reference. This subject shows under review since 2014..is there any way to understand what that review process is in the interim?
Anonymous commented
My own workflow relatively similar to Phil, but in my instance making a rough cut which an engineer will later cut. I take snippets from longer files and place them in clipboard to arrange in Montage for rough assemble. I am very surprised that there is not a capacity to export those snippets from clipboard, nor does Hindenburg retain the detail in the clipboard snippets of those snippets' relationship to original timecode in imported files.
Phil Hainline commented
Perhaps a useful amendment to this export feature.
Please, optionally, prepend a sequence number to the batch export. Hopefully using the clip's user assigned string for the filename, replacing any characters not compatible with the native file system. This is useful when you need to take a sequence of clips to another tool (e.g. Final Cut Pro) and would like to import a sequence of discreet files in order. Saves slicing and dicing, but even more, provides a useful back pointer to the original clip (via filename, not any fancy XML). Please consider this idea, even if you don’t want to take on multiple selection in the clipboards. Would be very useful to “Export Selection…" on the timeline too.
001-clipboard snippet.wav
002-clipboard snippet.wavThis would be very useful as I 'find the story' using:
A. Listen to all interviews, “copying" best regions to clipboards (typically very short)
B. Option-Drag desired clips to a free clipboard, moving clips up and down. (dragging or Cmd-up-arrow)
C. Listen to the clipboard, in order, using <space>, <down-arrow>, <space>….As good as the Montage timeline is, moving clips up and down on clipboard (with implicit insertion ;-) is many times faster. (If you added a modifier key to a timeline drag, that caused an insert (not overlay) of content after the "drop point”, then editing on the timeline could be much quicker. Maybe it is there and I can’t find it?
Even if the drag-insert feature existed, the export prepended sequence number would still be useful to move the ’story’ snippet files, in sequence, and discretely, to any other editor.
Unclear how common my workflow might be, I'll include this use case for reference. I really appreciate the ’story’ oriented features in Hindenburg. I'm coming to Hindenburg from Bias Peak. I typically interview many people (20-80), often audio only, for my videos. Find the best bits, using named “regions”. Listen repeatedly to the audio bits until they sink in. Sequence the typically very short regions into a story (using CD Mastering in Peak, or Project in ’Studio One’). Export the regions with a prepended sequence number. Import into a video editor (FCP or Premiere) and add timeline spacing to complement the images and music.