export to and import from protools etc
I have a project coming up that will require me to give over my feature to the radio station's in house sound engineers and directors. They will want to be able to edit it using their own audio software.

Yes, we dunnit!
Please see details on how you now can export AAF for ProTools and AES31 for WaveLab etc, as well as import PT session files.
Read more here: https://hindenburg.com/support/release-notes
Best regards
Chris Mottes, CEO
Rob commented
Import into Pro Tools doesn't work. The AAF won't import into Pro Tools or DaVinci Resolve. Both throw errors.
Olli Sulopuisto commented
Tried the .ptx import today and it kinda worked–poor Hindy couldn't locate any of the audio files, and no "locate files" dialog window popped up. Is there a workaround for this, or does it depend on the version of Pro Tools used? (I'm running H Broadcaster 1.81 on a Mac.)
Jakob Lewis commented
Thanks for making Hindy and Protools play nice! However, I see that I can export as AAF and OMF and import as PTX and PTF but I can't import AAF or OMF. I want to use the text/audio editor Descript. It makes non-destructive edits to the audio when I edit the transcript, but it exports the audio as AAF or OMF. I can't import that into Hindy. I wanted to leave this as a new feature request, but apparently, I'm all out of votes and can't add anything new. Thanks for all the upgrades you're doing!
Siobhan McHugh commented
Me too! I've done my rough mix on Hindenburg but needed to convert it to Wavelab for in-house Australian Broadcasting Corporation mix, and need to convert to Pro-Tools for an indie podcast version. The Wavelab conversion was ok - we had to manually replace a few files from a 15min mix, not too bad. But the ProTools is proving very difficult - having to export each track as a Wav file and therefore losing much of the editability. Any assistance welcome!
David Herman commented
Also wanted to strongly echo this request, and bump again to see if there's any update on if/when we might see this feature in an upcoming update.
Marissa commented
I just want to echo the request for an ability to create and import OMF files. I've been happy with Hindenburg up to this point but just realized I can't share my audio files easily with my station's engineers who use Pro Tools and it's going to be a huge road block. I have to now consider buying another editing software.
Thank you,
Laurel commented
Hi Chris Mottes,
Do you have any sense of how far away Hindenburg is from enabling Hindenburg to export files to an OMF so that the files can then be used by Protools?
Thank you, Laurel
Hi Anonymous,
Interesting, that is not what he told me. I'll try to contact him again.
Would you be so kind as to identify yourself, I'm not comfortable discussing seriously with someone I cannot address by name.
Thanks in advance,
Chris, CEO -
Anonymous commented
We want to be able to convert a finished session to protools so that, for example, a mix editor at the radio station can make changes before broadcasting. And we want to be able to edit Protool sessions on Hindy. If Hindenburg sessions could work reliably on other DAWs Hindenburg would hit the big time. Its a no brainer.
The guy at aa translator told me he could do the programming for just a couple of hundred bucks
http://www.aatranslator.com.au/ -
Unfortunately this is not a minor development project, it will require a substantial re-programming of our base framework and it will take a lot of time. It is the equivalent of asking to be able to take a VW Golf engine and put it into a Chevy Suburban without any issues….a tall order ;).
But we have started working on the most low-level code we will require to support a way of integrating with Protools and other DAWs.
I cannot guarantee that AAF export will be the final result, we will be looking for the most flexible solution to support export to multiple competitors’s session formats.
Unfortunately none of them follow the AAF standard as it is described, each DAW has made it’s own interpretation of the standard.
I apologise for the inconvenience.
Best regards
Chris Mottes, CEO -
Adam Hirsch commented
I need to trade sessions with a friend who's still using ProTools, and the lack of AAF/OMF support in Hindenburg is causing no end of frustration.
Mikkel Rud commented
Det ville være fantastisk hvis man kunne flytte et projekt fra Hindenburg til mere komplekse programmer som fx Pro Tools (fx som AAF). Jeg tror også det ville gøre Hindenburg brugbart for de rigtigt ambitiøse at have muligheden for at “finetune” i Pro Tools, på samme måde som man gør når man laver film.
Anonymous commented
Please enable Hindenburg to export files to an OMF so that the files can then be used by programs Digital Performer (DP) and Protools (PT). I have (and love) Hindenburg Pro but need to export Hindenburg files to an OMF or AAF so audio editor colleagues can work with my files for final editing adjustments. My colleague uses ProTools and also Digital Performer -- so I want to enable him to translate my Hindenburg files so he can use them in Protools and Digital Performer. If you enable OMF exports, you would then open up your market to journalists like me who want to "draft" things out first - then hand the files over to radio stations and audio professionals who use DP and PT. Without OMF it's limited - Hindenburg is such an awesome program I hope you'll make this a priority. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I need to be able to send the engineers at the radio station I full EDL so they can clean up my work on protools or whatever and send it back to me so that I can edit them again on Hindy.
Would that be possible?