Template projects
It would be great to be able to choose from a series of templates when starting a new project. Ideally I'd like to designate an existing project as a template. Hindenburg would then remove all audio that is not currently used in the editor or clipboard to minimize the size of that project. That would greatly improve my workflow.

Jesse McCune commented
I agree with info's comment below. It's great to have templates, but we can't use them with the video track since we have to open the XML as a project. This makes the video track too tedious to use for me. It's a nice idea, but without templates, or better yet, being able to save plugin chains, it isn't useful. The ability to work more efficiently on audio in Hindy is offset by the sheer amount of time it takes to set up the project.
info commented
Great to see this feature beeing in development.
I would like to expand the requirements: actually Hindy is not able to import a video, instead you have to open a new project with the video and arrange all tracks, effects and settings from scratch every time.
So there is no way to have a template i.e. for voiceover work, what the video feature is also designed for.
Would be nice to include this function to the idea of managing templates - a big enhancement for Hindy´s performance.
hlarledge commented
This is desperately needed. Please hurry.
Jeric commented
This would definitely be a great tool we can incorporate in our workflow, this is one of the features of Adobe Audition. Since I edit multiple podcasts this would definitely be a helpful tool. I've noticed that it has been brought up last 2016, when do we expect this to be rolled out?
sdorman514 commented
Do we have a timeframe for a templates feature please?
Carl Robinson commented
I just figured out a workaround:
* make duplicate of project.nhsx and its associated Files folder by using Ctrl+C then pasting in a different directory, then rename both. The project and Files folder must have the same name, but with <space>Files at the end for the files folder.
* The trick is, do not paste in the same directory, or the project file will save files into the original Files folder, even if you rename them -
Carl Robinson commented
+3 for this feature
Anonymous commented
Love this. My default podcast template saves the tracks only. It would be great if it saved the effects (compressor, eq, etc) for each track and also the intro/outro music files that I have in the clipboard. Definitely tired of recreating this every time I edit.
A commented
Yes, please!
King Kaufman commented
I would also like to express my support for a template feature, or failing that, at least this: When you copy a project with save-as, a new "files" folder is created — maybe with some way to check off which files you want to include in the new folder — so that you can daisy-chain episodes with the same format without creating a hulking, multi-GB files folder.
Gareth commented
Yup! And also allow templating or presetting all of the "session Properties" ID3 tagging so that I don't have to type in the exact same recurring details and tags every. single. time. With hindenburg targetting specifically broadcast and episodic style productions I would think that ease of setup, and professional tagging and publishing should be a no brainer.
Neil Ashworth commented
Same same. I am currently producing a series of ten documentaries for radio and it would be great to have the same setup of tracks and ID3 tags for each so all I have to do is change the episode title and start loading audio.
Similarly I have a couple of segments for my radio show that need the same setup each week.
J Martin Taylor commented
Absolute must.
Jeffery Smith commented
I would also applaud the addition of a template feature. I don't really need multiple templates, and would be happy with a default template. I don't use 4 channels, and have to delete three of them to get an uncluttered working space. Enlarging the track by pulling it downward removes two of the 4 screens. Having used Audition and Twisted Wave in the past, I'm just used to seeing a single track when the program boots up.
Lars Michael Sorensen commented
Hope this idea gains some traction. I edit several podcasts that each have their own settings and intros etc. Would be great to just be able to load a default template and get editing.