Support podcast chapters for mp3s
Marco Arment's popular iOS podcast app Overcast supports mp3 chapters and it's become more popular among notable podcasts to support it.
According to Marco, "There’s an MP3 ID3v2 Chapters spec that’s extremely easy to read and write."
Hindenburg already has chapter support for aac files, it would be nice if it was able to write chapters for mp3 as well.
View of what chapters look like in Overcast attached.

We released support for chapters in MP3 files in version 1.52.
Chris Christensen commented
Are than any updates on ethan's comment below?
ethan commented
The chapters that Hindenburg generates are still not recognized in Overcast or other podcast players that support them. Will this feature ever be finished?
Fredrik Björeman commented
Would love to see this more deeply developed/finished. I was about to suggest another export option for chapter markers (so that I could try Arment's Forecast) when I came across this. Discarding my feature and wishing for this to improve instead :-) ...
Manuel commented
VLC don`t recognise chapters created in MP3 files by Hindenburg Pro (only the main image). However, in M4a files works fine.
Emilcar commented
Hi, after one year MP3 chapters are not fully implemented in Hindenburg. They work fine sowing the chapter images but are not fully recognised as chapters by Overcast. :-(
Alexander commented
Sadly this feature doesn't seem to work yet. When exporting an MP3 with chapters they are for example not recognised by the Mac App Fission and another Mac App, Podcasters Chapters, even crashes when trying to open these files. Can you please check again? Thanks :)Regards
Alexander -
Martin commented
Is chapters in MP3 only supported by Journalist Pro, i.e. not Hindenburg Journalist?
Joey commented
Nice to see this implemented in 1.52! Thank you! I think your chapter support really sets you apart from your competition now! You should advertise that feature.
Eduo Gutierrez commented
This is old and seems unanswered, but thought it would make sense to add the chapter mark spec:'s from 2006 and it's designed specifically for Podcasts. For some reason it was widely used for a while, then forgotten, and now Marco has made them popular again.
Joey commented
An awesome idea! This could greatly increase the popularity of Hindenburg among podcasters.
Yes, AAC is better. BUT: mp3 is more popular and compatible. -
Alexander commented
I really would benefit from this function since the podcasts I record are pretty long (2hrs+) and even though I would prefer AAC as a format for publishing I'm using MP3 for compatibility reasons.