Apply effects live/in real-time (Studio Link support)
As of now, Hindenburg Journalist (Pro) is one of those rare DAWs that can only apply effects during playback.
But: For some (live) applications we need to apply effects in real-time.
I'm specifically talking about the new Skype-Killer called "Studio Link" (basically Skype with way better quality, no account, no delay, direct recording in your DAW and only browser-based for your guests in the near future). This plugin demands processing in real-time in order to work.
Hindenburg is designed to be a no destructive and easy to use DAW for audio storytellers. Implementing this feature would go against the design guidelines.
It is possible to route from the stand alone Studio Link APP and record it into Hindenburg.
disambiguated commented
I accomplish the live 'wet mix' via Rogue Amoeba's Loopback and Audio Hijack.
The effects VSTs are applied in real-time within Audio Hijack, which then outputs the processed audio into a Loopback virtual device. This Loopback virtual device is set as the 'Interview' track input device in HJP.
datejie commented
I agree - having effects available for real-time recording would be super helpful.
Hi Mark,
We do not support real-time effects at this point, so it is not possible to support Studio Link. -
Mark commented
I have a studiolink box... I still can't figure out how to get it to work with hindenburg. It remains a desk decoration for the time being.
Joram commented
I second that! It would be great if the onboard of VST effects can be heard in real time. This way narrators can hear their EQ tone in realtime, and when compression is applied they can hear how it affects their volume. I assume this is left out intentionally due to the auto-level function?
Joel commented
Yes, the homepage is at
You can find the code behind the software at: -
Hi Joel,
Thanks for your input. Is this the product you are referring to: