Text/Narration parallel to the audio wave
In times when more and more audio transcriptions in better quality is available (e.g. Trint), it would be nice to combine these transcriptions with its time stamps and attach them to the audio in Hindenburg exactly in time, like it is possible in Audacity with captions.

Matthew Gordon commented
Yes, this would be game changing! And, it seems to be the way other audio and video editing applications are going. I actually choose Hindy because I figured the integration of text transcripts with audio would be a top priority for a robust dialogue-focused audio editing application. Will pro tools or reaper add this? Who knows. Probably not a top priority. But if I were trying to position Hindenburg as the go to editing application for spoken audio, this would certainly be at the very top of my development list.
That is a good idea. And it might even be something that we are looking into ... who can tell : )