Make Hindenberg behave more like an NLE
Hi there, I'm a former video producer. I've been using DAWs like Hindeberg, ProTools, and Audition for a while now. Given that DAWS are almost always designed for something other than podcast/radio/narrative workflow, I think Hindenberg should consider adopting some of the workflow features of NLEs like Avid or Premiere. Specifically, I am talking about having a separate window for your source material, where you can type in a timecode, or make a selection, and then insert it into wherever your cursor is on the project timeline. This would be a far superior way to work than making a ton of subclips or putting your raw material 2 hours later in the project timeline.
If this is not clear at all, please give me a call or contact me and I'd be happy to explain. This would make working with Hindenberg potentially faster than other DAWs, for the purpose of radio/podcasting

keithshea commented
Agree completely! I'm a video editor trying to switch to Hindenburg from Avid. I've done podcasts using Avid, but it's too expensive, and overkill since I don't need the video. But what I DO need is the ability to open a pop-up window for a source track (ie: 90 minute interview), and navigate that big clip by timecode, then select a section and drag it into the main timeline.
As an example, I often need to find little pieces of audio (ie: "but" or "and") to connect two thoughts into one bite. I have interview transcripts so I can use those to locate different options for these pieces using timecode, and then try them out to see which one flows best with the bites I'm connecting.
Currently the only way I can seem do this is by dragging the full 90 minute clip into the timeline starting at the 0 frame. Then I have to solo the track, scroll through the timeline to the timecode I'm looking for, split the clip to isolate the word or 2 I want, then copy/paste it where I need it. Doing this within the timeline creates substantial risk of accidentally deleting pieces of audio on another track or throwing tracks out of sync.
Being able to search a clip in it's own window and drag (or copy/paste) what you need to the timeline would be a game changer. Possibly this feature could even be accessed quickly and easily by using the "right click" menu on a clip in the timeline to open a pop-up window?
I would be happy to speak directly with someone at Hindenburg to better explain what myself and the other posters here are talking about. I am enjoying learning Hindenburg and like a lot of the simplicity and functionality of the software so far, but adding this feature would make the workflow infinitely better. If I could vote for this feature 10 times I would! Thank you!
Matthew Gordon commented
YES!!! Audio producers don't know what they are missing! Having a source window is so useful. I kind of can't believe audio producers aren't banging down the door demanding this. I'm even considering editing podcasts inside Avid Media Composer or Davinci Resolve simply to have this functionality. Also, integrating with timecode and source material so that you could jump back from a section of a clip back to that same spot in the source material. Radio/podcast workflows could be so much more efficient and usseful if they integrated best practices from NLE video editing applications.