Export / Publish Efficiency - Temp Files and Duplicate Settings
Hindenburg is incredibly powerful but mixdowns / renders can be very time consuming if effects have been used, particularly if there are several tracks to process.
While I realize that some of that is unavoidable, the way Hindenburg matches loudness targets is to process the mix twice - once to determine loudness processing needs and again to apply them. It seems like the duplicate processing could be cut in half if the mix was first rendered to a temp file and then that file processed for final loudness and export / publish.
Depending on the amount of processing in a file, this could cut nearly 50% of the render time.
Additionally, if publishing files with exactly the same output format and settings, it would be great if Hindenburg could group those, process the final file once, and then publish to all destinations rather than publishing multiple times.
Depending on the number of destinations and duplicate files, this could cut export / publish time by well over 50% and keep people within the Hindenburg interface rather than creating workarounds.