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336 results found

  1. Total time of group clips

    Fuction that displays total time of a group's clips. Could be displayed to the right of the group title.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Audio-to-Text-Transcription

    Imagine your audio quotes being transcribed into text automatically. I was impressed to see how the start up Detour does that

    This would be great for Hindenburg.

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  4. connecting to other clouds than just soundcloud

    i guess you need to build-in a kind of basic WebDAV-client...

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  5. More icons

    Loving the program
    but it would be nice to have edit icons such as 'Shuffle Trim' or 'Slide audio inside region' on the top edit bar and Loop, Play selection' and 'Rehearse' icons on the bottom play section

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  6. Make recoding and editing waaaaay quicker.

    Three things:
    1. The first 2 markers used always have an "In/Out" designation. That means that all my sessions that have markers will begin with Marker 3. Kind of silly, no? The "In/Out" selection would better be available only in Edit mode, or when I consciously drag over a selection. Then, if it were available, I could preview the edit by playing it when I hit the spacebar. Then I could Commd+X if I wanted it deleted.

    1. If a person accidentally clicks on the "Markers" window when recording OR playing they can no longer drop a marker. This is very…

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  7. Upload to Amazon S3

    I'm thinking of using Amazon S3 for my audio files. Since S3 doens't have traditional ftp access, it would be great if Hindenburg supported S3 upload.

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  8. Minimize Clipboard Groups / Folders Within Groups

    I would love both the ability to quickly minimize or expand a particular clipboard group and the ability to have folders within groups that can also be quickly minimized or expanded.

    Having to manually expand each group can be quite clunky when there are several groups in the clipboard, especially on a smaller screen.


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  9. Ability to hide tracks from the workspace and mixer window

    Ever since Avid's move to a subscription based ownership model I've been trying out DAWs to take over from ProTools. I do a lot of work producing radio programs so Hindenburg caught my interest. I just downloaded the Trial and am pretty impressed with Hindenburg's easy interface. I figured out most things in a few clicks and only had to look up a couple of things... BUT here are a couple ideas that would make my life easier.
    1) the ability to hide tracks. I like to use a Master channel for my metering and limiting plug-ins. But once I've…

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  10. Skype to Skype - Good to Great

    Being able to record phone calls via Skype is good but it would great if we could record conversations Skype user to Skype user. The fidelity is superior using VOIP than using the phone system. i would still want to be able to record my studio mic into the transmit side.

    I hope that makes sense.


    Rick Tarrant

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  11. Cmd-H shortcutto hide Hindenburg

    Cmd-H shortcutto hide Hindenburg

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  12. Exporting all tracks dry

    I would love to have an option for one-button exporting. I use Hindenburg for editing and like to do my mastering in a different program, so having the possibility to export all tracks in one go would be lovely. (Extra points for having the option to disable all channel effects during the export.)

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  13. Custom File Names, IOS 10 fix, Dual Mono record and others


    First, I love your iPhone app and use it all the time. I am not a journalist, but a musician, and I find your app the easiest to use for getting ideas down quickly. The scrubbing is great amongst many other features.

    However, there are a few things I would love to see.

    • in IOS 10 the interface is not correct and has some artifacting around the playback line

    • MOST IMPORTANT: Able to custom name audio files especially for easy ID in iTunes file sharing. I can rename Sessions in the Sessions window, but those file names do not…

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  14. Give ability to reduce track size even smaller

    Often in one session I end up working with 20 tracks. I would love the ability to see them all on the screen at the same time. Currently there's a fairly large Minimum track height. Can that easily be changed?

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  15. Automatically open project

    When opening Hindy, have the option to make it automatically open the last project you were working on.

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  16. Test

    Posting this because there isn't a way to find the status of requested features. Should have a link on the support section of the web site

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  17. Publish to MixCloud

    It would be nice to be able to Publish to MixCloud, which is in my opinion a better podcast platform than SoundCloud...

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  18. a few suggestions

    Hi there, I just started using Hindenburgh Pro since joining Annie Fredrickson, who I believe you met when you were touring Australia. Very sleek and powerful and I enjoy using it. But I have a couple of suggestions that may make it a bit easier to use- requiring fewer clicks and adjustments. Apologies if the functionality is already there and I simply haven't discovered it. Or if they are just habits I've picked up from using other software, and I just need to get more used to Hindy.
    All the best, Mic

    • Allow one to add a group to…

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  19. Printable list of clips (w/timestamps?)

    In my workflow, I like to step away from the editor and look at the story as it stands on paper, to get a different perspective about its flow. One way I do this is to take screengrabs of the timeline at a level of zoom that shows the clip names, then print them out... it would be SO much faster and better if I could print a simple text file that listed the clips in the workspace in the order they appear - maybe even a printable version of the workspace? The most important thing would be that the…

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  20. Menu button to shrink or expand timeline to show full project.

    Add a menu button to show full project in the timeline. Beats having to repeatedly click the 'Out -' button.

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