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  1. Add the exact time point where the track was cut for clipboard


    I'm currently running into a serious issue because I'm working with two distinct audio tracks that go hand in hand (an interview). I'm torn between just editing from the track or organizing everything into the clipboard first. The issue with the latter is I don't know how to sync my clips up later, especially when there's interjection. Currently, all the clipboard does is show how long the clip is (which isn't really important) instead of at what time the clip was cut (for example, 45 seconds). If I had that, I would know exactly how to put the puzzle…

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  2. Move all markers 10-15 seconds earlier

    USE CASE: Recording in-person customer interviews with your mobile app -- which is awesome by the way.

    PROBLEM: my customer says something great. I add a marker. When I play back the audio from the marker, I always have to go backwards 10-15 seconds, because I set the marker after I realize something great was said, not before it. :) I have to do that with every marker made with the mobile device.

    OPPORTUNITY: I believe you would be the only recording application which actually solves this problem for journalist, marketers and others.

    if you solve the problem I would…

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  3. Color coding clips

    I would like to be able to color code clips in a session.

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  4. Support for in-app browsing of Garageband sounds/loops

    The in app browser of media such as Garageband sounds and loops, or FinalCut sound effects, etc. is a handy feature of Apple's pro apps. It would be super helpful to be able to easily access these within Hindenburg.

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  5. Using Logitech MX Master 2S thumb wheel with Hindenburg Journalist

    The ability of using the thumb wheel would be a nice feature for scrolling the audio. However, currently the rolling of the thumb wheel of the Logitech MX Master 2S mouse only moves the scroll box on the scrollbar, while the waveform display stays at the same position.

    Maybe there is just a small setting to be reconfigured for this to work.

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  6. Jump to previous/next marker

    Currently PgUp/PgDn navigates to the previous/next event. Often there are quite many of these events because of the numerous splices. It would be a nice feature to have a shortcut that only jumps to markers (and maybe cue points) ignoring splices in between.

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  7. Drag view / jump half screen

    When editing a track (cutting out unnecessary repetitions, breaths, and such) the playhead sweeps over the region to be cut out, so one must scroll back to get the relevant part in view. Doing this with the scrollbar at the bottom is not easy - dragging the slider is too fast, clicking on the empty part of the scrollbar is too slow.
    I see two good solutions to this problem which could be implemented simultaneously:
    1. Some key + mouse drag transforms the cursor into a hand (like Space in Adobe Photoshop, or the Hand tool in Acrobat Reader), and…

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  8. Locking the Manuscript

    In an organisation that has multiple recording studios It is common to prepare the structure in advance, send it to a studio and after the recording someone does a quality check on the end product.
    One of those checks is very evident: checking if the structure of the book is intact.

    Hindenburg ABC has already a difference between a reading mode and edit mode on the manuscript but we believe we could gain more security if you could activate an overall lock on the entire manuscript. For example with a menu option, or with a lock button on the manuscript…

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  9. Enable Win10 shortcut on Narration View window for moving to another monitor

    In a studio-environment it can be quite messy when you need to drag the Narration View window with the mouse to an external monitor for the reader in the cabin. You don't see that monitor, so it is a bit odd.

    Windows 10 has a set of very nice shortcuts for Window management. Although the shortcut for maximizing (Windows key + arrow up) works perfectly fine, the combination Windows key + SHIFT + arrow left/right doesn't.

    With Windows key + SHIFT + arrow left/right you can move a window between monitors. This is a very handy shortcut! This works with…

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  10. Warning when overwriting a file when publishing

    I produce a podcast every day, and do this by trying to remember to "save as" a new file every day. I don't always remember.

    When publishing audio, Hindenburg never checks if you're overwriting a file that already exists. This is not what normally happens on MacOS or Windows - you're normally told "do you want to overwrite this file?" or something - and this behaviour ought to be the default within Hindenburg, to my mind.

    (I can see the merits of being able to switch an error message like this off, too).

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  11. Dropping markers from mobile devices.

    Would love to be able to listen to my recording on my iphone and with the simple touch of a button, drop markers where I need to make edits and then import those markers (linked to timecode?) into my hindenburg edit software for my final editing. This would be a great streamline to workflow because I could listen to my recorded session for necessary edits while driving.

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  12. "Selection Mode"

    When first cutting a recorded interview, usually there is no need for selecting and dragging regions. The main activity is selecting areas for editing, splitting areas and cutting. However, the primary function of the mouse button is still the selecting of regions - you have to go to some empty place (often the only option is the thin area* separating two tracks) for the cursor to change into selection mode.

    So it would be very useful to have a shortcut (like SomeKey+mouse drag) to put the mouse cursor in selection mode, or even a dedicated Selection Mode, when only the…

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  13. Export / Publish Efficiency - Temp Files and Duplicate Settings

    Hindenburg is incredibly powerful but mixdowns / renders can be very time consuming if effects have been used, particularly if there are several tracks to process.

    While I realize that some of that is unavoidable, the way Hindenburg matches loudness targets is to process the mix twice - once to determine loudness processing needs and again to apply them. It seems like the duplicate processing could be cut in half if the mix was first rendered to a temp file and then that file processed for final loudness and export / publish.

    Depending on the amount of processing in a…

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  14. Export all markers as text file

    Dear Hindenburg staff,

    many thanks for your great product. I often use it while putting together pieces for German public radio.

    I have a very simple request. Would it be possible to make all markers exportable as text files, not just the chapter markers?

    I often use markers for notetaking. I know that you can find them in the nhsx-File, so I'm wondering how difficult it would be to export them directly in the software.

    Reaper, for example, can export its marker list as both txt and csv. Basically, at the moment, I listen to my recordings in Reaper, and…

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  15. keyboard shortcut for view statistics

    It would be great to simply press one key instead of clicking Tools, View Statistics. Thank you!

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  16. Auto-save/Back-up Feature

    When my colleague tried to save her project at the end of the day, Hindenburg crashed and her whole work was gone when she reopend the project.
    Is there something like an auto-save feature that prevents such incidents in the future?

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  17. Hello, I am a blind and it is not possible for me to use and modify the volume. Do you have some short cut for that? Could you work on this?

    Hello, I am a blind journalist and I would like first tou congratulate you for the accessibility's work that you did in this program. Neverttheless, it is not possible for me to contrôle and modify the volume of my traks because this fonction seems to be only visual. Does it exist some short cut which allaws blind people to increase or decrease a track's volume? Otherwise, maybe you could include a parameter in the menu for this? Anyway, I hope you will be able to suggest me something quickly about that.
    I am French and I am using Hindenburg on…

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  18. Is here a way to edit recurring plops? Interviewers will know what I mean

    Is here a way to edit recurring plops? Interviewers will know what I mean

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  19. VST Plugin Locations

    Hello. I work in the radio industry and also write music. I would like to see an option to choose locations for VST plugins rather than the current system which dictates a specific folder. I have different plugin locations (multiple) and it would be nice to specify these locations to scan for plugins rather than have to move my plugins to work for this specific application.

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  20. Zoom in

    When you click "Command and +" to zoom in on content, that content should be centered automatically so that the section at the cursor is easy to see and work with.

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